Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2020 
Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2023

  Proceedings of 2nd AGM held on 26th Sept 2011

 Proceedings of 1st AGM held on 6th June 2010

 Proceeding of 3rd AGM held on 30th Dec 2012

HALE  - Memorandum of Association and  Rules & Regulations (Bye Laws )     

Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2019  

The  following  pdf  files  can  be  Downloaded / Read  by  

Proceedings of  11th AGM (Virtual) held on 13th December 2020

Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2011
Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2012

Proceedings of  9th AGM held on 4th November 2018

Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2021
Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2015     

Proceedings of  5th AGM held on 8th Feb 2015

Proceedings of  12th AGM (Virtual) held on 24th October 2021

Application Form for Membership of HALE  - Member

Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2013

Proceedings of  6th AGM held on 22nd November 2015

Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2010

Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2018   

Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2016     

Application Form for Membership of HALE  - Associate Member

Proceedings of  4th AGM held on 12th Jan 2014

Proceedings of  8th AGM held on 29th October 2017

Proceedings of  10th AGM held on 24th November 2019

clicking  on  the  Green  Button 

Proceedings of  7th AGM held on 20th November 2016

Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2014      
Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2022
Audited Accounts - Year ending 31st March 2017    
 ​​Association of former Executives of HAL