Presently as of November 2020, HALE has 1873 Members/Associate members.


Download Application Form (pdf file)

 ​​Association of former Executives of HAL


  • Every former officer of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd, staying in and around Bangalore is eligible to become a Member of the Association after paying the specified fees and agreeing to abide by the rules and regulation of the Association.

  • The former officer staying out side Bangalore is eligible to enroll him(her) self and will be known as Associate Member

  • The former officer will make a request on the prescribed form with the payment of specified fees for enrolment as a Member / Associate Member of the association. The Executive Committee will consider and approve the application. In case of rejection of the application by the empowered committee, the one time lumpsum amount paid will be refunded to the applicant.

  • MEMBER :  The Member shall pay non refundable one time fee of Rs.2000/-

  • ASSOCIATE MEMBER : The Associate Member shall pay non refundable one time fee of Rs.600/-

  • The above fees however, may be revised from time to time by General Body.